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WeChat Stickers

WeChat is a popular messaging app in China. It allows you to send stickers to people: they are gifs that are used to convey emotions and feelings.




I really like WeChat’s stickers because they vividly express what I want to convey, and they make the conversation full of fun. For some content that is more abstract, or that you want to express implicitly, stickers become very useful. My favorite is the animated series, such as “small animals”: cute kittens and puppies.

With the expressive eyes of these animals, the WeChat stickers say what I want to say in a fun way!

Ipanda Chinese
00:00 / 01:00


1 – 根据文章,我喜欢用微信聊天表情包的原因不包括?

a. 生动形象表达内容

b. 对话充满趣味

c. 微信表情包特别可爱

d. 把想说的话以好玩方式说出来

1. c
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